Leading Aviation & Space Insurance in UAE, Asia & Africa.

With Our Unparalleled Domain Expertise, We Deliver Robust Solutions for Your Unique Needs. Explore Our Tailored Coverage Options and Safeguard Your Ventures in the Skies and Beyond.

Unified Power Our Promise
Aviation Insurance

Together we are stronger!

Aviation & Aerospace is one of the most complex and ever transforming industries of recent times. The market presents a significant challenge for buyers and sellers of Insurance which, in turn, requires greater innovation, understanding and a differentiated level of service. Aviation team at Deinon has wealth of experience in this field having served the clients worldwide for decades.
In fact, the Sun never sets on the Deinon Aviation Team as they keep attending to client’s requirements on a real-time basis around the clock. They are aware of the challenges faced by clients and are highly skilled in adopting client-centric approach to ensure comprehensive solutions for all their Aviation requirements.

Aviation And Space Insurance

We promise to make every risk a priority.

Delighting clients with our innovative solutions & exceeding their expectations is the reason for theirIcontinued and uninterrupted faith in us over the years. The team has conducted numerous workshops and trainings on Aviation and Aerospace (Re)insurance and market development to technically enlighten the clients.
Our wide network of offices worldwide and very good relations with underwriters globally enables us offer customized reinsurance solutions to our clientele.
Our Exclusive Association with PIIO Risk Partners (part of the insurance division of BGC Partners
Inc., USA) who are rated among the top 10 London market brokers by revenue* offers our clients a unique skill set and depth of resource

Embracing Artificial Intelligence

We strongly believe that Artificial Intelligence (Al) will drive the world ahead. We at Deinon are embracing Technology to ensure automatic, reliable and smart solutions in all spheres of reinsurance activity, be it in terms of sourcing, document processing or claims handling.
The Cirium database provides us access to critical Flight Data and Analytics on the global aviation ecosystem.

+971 42330900

For any assisstance call us at

Risks Involved

• Flying Risks
• Hull & Spares All Risks
• Liability
• Third Party Legal Liability
• Passengers Legal Liability including personal effects
• Cargo Legal Liability
• War Liability
• Deductible Buback
• Hull & Spares War Risks
• MRO Liabilit
• Products / Hangar Keeper Liability
• Catering Liability
• Refuelling Liability
• Airport/ATC Liability
• Security Liability
• Manufacturer Liability
• Ground Handler Liability
• Designers/Software Liability
• Aviation Personal Accident
• Pilot Loss of License
• Mechanical Breakdown Insurance
• Total Loss Insurance
• Loss of Use
• Contingency Hull Cover

The above is a brief information of the covers available under the Policy. Please request a copy of the Insurer’s Terms & Conditions of the policy which shall be binding and considered as the final basis for the settlement of any dispute.

For more information. please write to aerospace@deinon.ae


Dubai World Trade Center, Level 7, P.O. Box 9762, Dubai, UAE.


+971 42330900



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