Treaty & Structured Solutions

A solution which is purely wholesale in nature and embedded in the Business Plan and Financials, with our knowledge/experience of Finance and Mathematics, the solution offered are both organic and flexible and hence dynamic to the changes (internal and external).

Reinsurance Solutions Why Deinon?
Deinon Treaty Insurance

Deinon’s Treaty team is conversant with today’s complex business environment and the related challenges faced by business leaders. With its decades-old expertise on Reinsurance Markets, the Team assists our cedant-clients by providing advisory and placement services for all forms of Conventional and Non- Conventional treaties. Our structured and bespoke reinsurance solutions help clients achieve twin obiectives of placement of treaties with Top Rated Reinsurance Securities and at optimum cost.

We also provide ongoing services for preparation and settlement, treaty contracts and handling of claims/reserves for ceding companies.

We offer extensive choices of reinsurance markets around the globe and our treaty placements include Aviation, Marine, Property, Casualty, Engineering, General Accident, Motor, and Financial Lines. Our proven expertise in handling various Retro programs has earned us a reputation of earnest solution provider.

Deinon Treaty Insurance

Aided by global presence and strategic alliances with valued business partners, Deinon Team excels in meeting clients’ insurance needs and attends to them 24×7.

We strive hard to understand cedant’s broad financial landscape before recommending any specific reinsurance solution which effectively and efficiently match the right capital with their evolving risk profile.

Innovation, trusted relationships, personalized service, professionalism, ethical standards, etc. are the hallmark of Deinon’s Team with which it has built unrivalled reputation over the years.

Empowering clients is our goal which would lead to better know how.

New clauses/contractual updates – our goal is to inculcate new coverage/clauses that the market introduces. These clauses are generally linked with market events like a Pandemonic/ Catastrophic/ Landmark losses.

Markets – there are some markets who enter/exit, some markets enter/exist LOB based on demand/supply. Our client are made aware of longevity/relationship and markets that “must” be looked upon for long terms.

Market trends – changing market trends are often an indicator of future. Our clients are constantly made aware of the changing market trends.

Technology – InsureTech is the future where Insurance/Reinsurance are bundled with Technology leading to a robust Insurance offering.

Our focus is to look at the entity with Capital available, Reinsurance solutions are designed keeping in mind the Capital deployed and Return on Investment targeted.
Our team's experience and knowledge about the core Business of our clients assist in creating a Business Plan.
Our team can also access different facets of the Business Model and advise aspects that
needs tweaking which can result in favourable Ratios.
We "manage expectations" i.e. in light of evolving market conditions, results and structure proposed we guide the Insurance Company to be prepared with what is to be expected as far as Reinsurance Solution (and associated cost).
Constant innovation and to challenge the status-quo is the USP of the team which leads us to expect the challenge and be better prepared with solution.
Our goal is to make a Reinsurance offering beyond that of merely being "Placement of Contract", goal is to bring life to the solution which will mature/evolve as per what is required/expected.
Once the placement is complete, our teams focus is on getting the Systems organized at the client and Reinsurers end to ensure the process of information is smooth and seamless. The same is very important so as to ensure the accounting of Premium and Claims is as per intention of the Contract.
Our team constantly monitors the Contract to ensure the same remains relevant with the changing Business needs of the client.
Ensure there is enough cover i.e. should not lead exhaustion/frustration of cover.
Constant review with focus on technology to capture information at the very root level and
use artificial intelligence to interpret data.

The above is a brief information of the covers available under the Policy. Please request a copy of the Insurer’s Terms & Conditions of the policy which shall be binding and considered as the final basis for the settlement of any dispute.

For more information. please write to


Dubai World Trade Center, Level 7, P.O. Box 9762, Dubai, UAE.


+971 42330900


    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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