Mehmood A Khairaz
Chairman, Deinon Insurance Brokers LLC

Mahmood Khairaz

Mr. Khairaz is a graduate of the Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, where he received a Bachelor of Technology in Electrical Engineering. He also completed the Corporate Executive Education Program at the prestigious London Business School, further honing his business acumen and leadership skills.

Mahmood Khairaz, a seasoned corporate executive with decades of management experience in the international business arena.
Currently, Mr. Khairaz serves as Chairman of Deinon Risk Services Private Limited in India, where he provides strategic guidance and oversight of the company’s operations. He is also a Partner of Deinon Insurance Brokers LLC, a leading insurance brokerage firm based in Dubai, UAE, which he co-founded in 2003.

Prior to his current roles, Mr. Khairaz held various executive positions at Schlumberger Overseas SA, a global oilfield services company. He served as General Manager in both Paris, France and Dubai, UAE, and also worked as a Personal Manager and an Operational and Technical Manager in Indonesia.

Mr. Khairaz’s impressive credentials and industry expertise have earned him recognition as an alumni of the London Business School.

With his extensive management experience and international business knowledge, Mr. Khairaz is a valuable asset to any organization seeking to achieve growth and success in today’s global marketplace.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)