Money Insurance

Cover your loss of money/bullion though recommended Insurance offering.

Cash Insurance Why you should consider?
Deinon Money Insurance

Money in transit implies money in direct transit from the insured’s premises to the bank and vice versa. Money in the personal custody or with authorized employee can also be included. Covers loss of money in safe due to: Burglary.

Almost all businesses handle money in some form – cash, cheques, credit card slips and bankers’ drafts, making this form of insurance essential for businesses large and small.

Cash in Safe policy covers

the cash (Banknotes, Cheques, Securities, and Bonds) secured in locked safe against any loss and/or damage caused by burglary only if forcible entry is proven to have occurred simultaneously to an external fences enclosures as well as to the closed safe itself.

If your business handles large amounts of cash, you need to think about how it would be affected if that money was lost or stolen. A Money Ins&rance Policy covers loss of business money on business premises, or when carried by the insured or other employees, and personal accident cover is also included for those carrying money. Combined policies usually provide cover for defined amounts but cover for larger sums of money is a specialist field, especially if that cash is regularly taken off your premises, such as to and from the bank or your home.

It will even cover a small amount of cash at the home of directors or employees, both in and after business hours.

Deinon Money Insurance
  • Essential protection of financial assets
  • Protection for employees and others who transport monies
  • Peace of mind security, minimizing disruption to your business
  • May cover exclusions from other fire insurance policies

Policy features can include:

  • Money in transit to and from banks, carried by insured or employees
  • Personal assault cover
  • Money on business premises, in or out of safes
  • Personal and safe damages

The above is a brief information of the covers available under the Policy. Please request a copy of the Insurer’s Terms & Conditions of the policy which shall be binding and considered as the final basis for the settlement of any dispute.

For more information. please write to


Dubai World Trade Center, Level 7, P.O. Box 9762, Dubai, UAE.


+971 42330900


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