Tailored Insurance Solutions for Energy Industry

Empowered protection – our understanding of the nature of Assets positions us to design a risk transfer mechanics which is unique and robust.

Protecting The Energy Industry Why Deinon?
Deinon Energy Insurance

The Energy Industry faces wide ranging risks all over the world that can impact their upstream, downstream, midstream, industrial, onshore and offshore operations on daily basis.

Whether your function relates to exploration, construction, production or refining & marketing, our experts can help you to navigate these challenges by offering flexible products that can address your requirements globally.

Deinon’s Specialty Team provides bespoke solutions to protect your offshore and onshore exploration, production sites, Rigs, mining locations, refining & renewables.

Deinon Energy Insurance
  • Technical Team has wide range of experience in handling construction and operation phase of energy risks
  • Team regularly updates on innovative insurance solutions offered to energy industry worldwide
  • Expertise gained in different geographies is used on techno-commercial analysis of
    Insurers’ background during placement

Perils Covered

Physical Damage provides coverage for physical damage or loss to a company's offshore property and equipment, including offshore fixed platforms, pipelines and production and accommodation facilities. Other equipment such as offshore loading buoys may also be covered. Coverage is also available for mobile drilling rigs such as jack-ups, semi-submersibles and drill ships.
Operators' Extra Expense (Control of Well) provides coverage for costs incurred by energy businesses when regaining control of a well after "blowout". Coverage includes Re-Drilling Expenses incurred in the restoring or re-drilling of a well after a blowout: and seepage and pollution liability coverage to pay third party bodily injury, damage to and loss of third-party property, the cost of clean up and defence expenses emanating from a blowout.
Energy businesses face a broad range of liability exposures. Key coverages include Comprehensive general liability, which provides coverage for claims an energy business is legally obligated to pay as a result of bodily injury or property damage to a third party: and workers compensation/ employers liability, which covers energy businesses for losses from injury or death of employees.
Business Interruption/Loss of Production Income provides coverage for energy businesses against loss due to temporary interruption in oil/gas supply from an offshore facility as a result of physical loss or damage to an offshore facility.
Offshore Construction provides coverage for various risks energy businesses face during construction projects, from project inception through completion and beyond.
In Energy business, Pollution risks can have serious consequences. Pollution can often be the result of a sudden, accidental event. But some pollution problems develop slowly and are not discovered for some time. It's not always clear exactly when the problem first started.
With conventional pollution liability policies, you are covered for sudden and accidental events; but we can cover you for incidents gradual in nature as well.
Renewable Energy insurance provides comprehensive insurance solutions for the project starting from the commencement of construction & also continuing after the project becomes operational. Coverage can be tailored to meet specific demands of the project as well as the requirements of lenders including revenue shortfall insurance for photovoltaic and solar plants.

The above is a brief information of the covers available under the Policy. Please request a copy of the Insurer’s Terms & Conditions of the policy which shall be binding and considered as the final basis for the settlement of any dispute.

For more information. please write to infra-energy@deinon.ae


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+971 42330900



    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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