Leading Provider in Best Marine Insurance

Peace of Mind During Transportation: We’ve Got You Covered While Your Assets Move Safely.

Cargo & Hull Protection Our Capabilities
Deinon Marine Insurance

Cargo & hull protection

If you are a Warehouse and Logistics Provider or a Ship Owner, Boat Builder, a Ship
Repairer or Terminal Operator, a Wharfinger or Stevedore, Deinon will have you covered. Deinon provides Global Cargo, Marine Hull & Liability Insurance for all types of Risks – from Air & Sea Cargoes, Single Vessels to the most complex and logistic fleet of Vessels & Maritime Liabilities!

Deinon's Marine Insurance

Types of Marine Insurance

• Cargo Insurance – Transits by Air, Sea & Road
• Goods in Transit Insurance (Annual or Per Transit)
• Hull and Machinery Insurance
• Protection & Indemnity Insurance
• Ship Owners Protection & Indemnity Insurance
• Pleasure Craft Insurance
• Jet Ski Insurance
• Ship Repairers Liabilitv Insurance
• Hauliers’ Liabilitv Insurance
• Freight Forwarders Liability Insurance
• Port All Risks Insurance
• Stevedores’ Liability Insurance

What is Covered?

Cargo insurance will cover the cost of damaged goods should unforeseen events occur during transportation by air or sea. Similarly, it will protect you from the financial harm of cargo theft or loss in transit. You need the right marine cargo insurance policy for your commodity, voyage and conditions. We can arrange bespoke covers for all types of cargo including oil and gas, food grains, coal, scrap, break bulk shipments as well as project cargo.
Hull and machinery insurance is a type of ocean marine insurance, which protects the insured vessel or fleet against physical damage caused by a peril of the sea or other covered perils while the vessel is in transit over water. Hull & Machinery Insurance, in conjunction with Protection & Indemnity Insurance, H&M War & Strike Risks, Loss of Hire, Builders Risks and Marine Kidnap & Ransom, offer total safety to ocean going Vessels & their Owners.
Shipowners Protection and Indemnity (P&I) Insurance provides cover for the numerous legal liabilities that shipowners are exposed to during the operation of their ships.
Jet Ski Insurance is also known as PWC Insurance (Personal Watercraft Insurance), which is a type of Boat Insurance. Jet Ski Insurance is designed to cover vour Jet Ski. if it is stolen, damaged or destroyed and to protect you against liability claims if your Jet Ski causes damage to other people or their property.
Hauliers' Liability Insurance is designed to specifically meet the needs of road haulage operators. It covers the movement of your customers goods against loss Whilst in transit, but with the addition of Public and Employer's' Liability built in.
Port All Risks is a type of insurance is afforded to a vessel that is laid up for an extended time period, normally in excess of 30 days. Coverage is provided for both physical damage & protection & indemnity.
Goods in Transit Insurance, sometimes referred to as GIT, covers goods against loss or damage while being moved from one place to another. These goods can be being carried by individuals in their own vehicle, self-employed drivers or contractors or by third party carriers. GIT Insurance can be taken out by either the owner of the goods or by a haulage business carrying the goods.
Protection and Indemnity Insurance (P&|) protects shipowners from third-party liability risks associated with owning and operating a vessel. It is one of the key coverages of ocean marine insurance, alongside hull coverage & cargo coverage.
Pleasure craft insurance helps cover you against the unexpected when it comes to your pleasure boats. It can also include personal accident and legal liability cover for you and any person you allow to control your boat when in the water
Ship Repairers Liability insurance is designed to provide cover against liabilities arising from acts of negligence which result in loss or damage to the property of others whilst being worked upon at the yard or personal injury to others whilst visiting the yard. This can be extended to cover Product Liability, Pollution including Cleanup Costs, Loss of Usage Revenue of Damaged Watercraft, Removal of Wreck, Damage to Temporarily Hired Equipment, Legal & Defense Costs, etc.
Freight Forwarders Liability Insurance is to provide coverage against liability for loss or damage to cargo during transportation and loss or damage to containers, vehicles or transport equipment of third parties.
Stevedore's Legal Liability Insurance provides liability coverage for stevedores arising out of the loading & unloading of a vessel and includes coverage for physical loss

The above is a brief information of the covers available under the Policy. Please request a copy of the Insurer’s Terms & Conditions of the policy which shall be binding and considered as the final basis for the settlement of any dispute.

For more information. please write to marine-motor@deinon.ae


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+971 42330900



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