Cyber Insurance: Protecting Your Digital Assets Safely.

Using Technology is inevitable, using Cyber insurance we can assure that your Operations are not interrupted or the inconvenience is to the bare minimum.

Protecting You Online Why Deinon?
Deinon's Cyber Security

In today’s technology-driven landscape, cyber exposure is a reality for almost every client. The prevalence of ransomware and cybercrime continues to rise, making data breaches and intrusions more likely, even for small businesses. The consequences of successful hacking can be severe, resulting in the loss or misuse of confidential data, privacy breaches, and unauthorized access to sensitive information. As technology use carries inherent risks, we are here to help mitigate such threats by crafting customized coverage aligned with your current & anticipated activities. At Deinon, our dedicated and knowledgeable cyber specialist team excels in Cyber Reinsurance and Cyber Security. As the solutions in this realm are ever-evolving, we adapt our Risk Management strategies to cater to your unique needs.

Deinon's Cyber Security

We constantly work towards bringing the right cyber policies to you with adequate coverage. Our services extend not only to Risk Transfer but also Risk Management. Claims are SOS in nature and hence we provide immediate support to ensure our product supports & defends the attack to ensure continuity of activities.

Perils Covered

Following a "cyber event" which results in interruption of network one may end up in:
• Financial losses related to business interruption, additional cost for reinstating the services.
• Costs related to appointing an event manager to who will advise and oversea the reinstatement of the interruption, investigate the cause of the interruption including appointment of a forensic expert.
• Possible legal liability to customers.
• Liability towards fines and penalties.
A third party that you outsource information technology infrastructure or applications to (including hosting, data storage, colocation, and application service provision) under a written contract.
Professional organization will be named in the Policy for managing the losses following a system outage.
Legal liability against
• Actual or suspected disclosure of or unauthorized access to Personally identifiable Information (P|I) including payment card information, customer bank details or Protected Health Information.
• Failure to adequatelv inform affected individual of privacy breach.
• Breach of rights of confidentiality as a direct result of failure to maintain the confidentiality of any data pertaining to an employee or a senior executive officer.
• actual or suspected disclosure of or unauthorized access to data or data for which one is responsible.
This includes any ransom paid in response to an extortion demand as a direct result of any threat to:
• Introduce malware, or the actual introduction of malware, including Ransomware, into your critical systems.
• Prevent access to your critical systems or data or any third-party systems hosting your applications or data, including technology supply chain partners.
• Reveal your confidential information or confidential information entrusted to you.
• Damage your brand or reputation by posting false or misleading comments about you on social media sites.
Any fines, penalties and card brand assessments including fraud recoveries, operational reimbursements, non-cooperation costs and case management fees which one becomes legally obliged to pay the acquiring bank or payment processor as a direct result of a payment card breach.
Financial Losses following system outage (network interruption) such as
Direct loss of profits and reasonable and necessary additional expenditure including:
• Legal liability to customers.
• Additional costs for sourcing products or services from alternative sources in order to meet contractual obligations.
• Additional costs for additional manpower in order to reinstate the business.
• Additional costs of employing specialist consultant including IT forensic consultants.
• Additional cost associated with operating your disaster recovery site over and above any standard costs.
A material degradation in the performance of your critical systems which renders them incapable of supporting their normal business function.

The above is a brief information of the covers available under the Policy. Please request a copy of the Insurer’s Terms & Conditions of the policy which shall be binding and considered as the final basis for the settlement of any dispute.

For more information. please write to


Dubai World Trade Center, Level 7, P.O. Box 9762, Dubai, UAE.


+971 42330900


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