Tailored Motor Insurance Coverage for Your Peace of Mind.

Stay covered as you drive smoothly with assurances of our service without limits.

Key Coverages Important Add ons
Deinon Motor Insurance

Key Coverage of Comprehensive Car Insurance

• Theft
• Vandalism
• Glass Damage
• Fire incidents
• Damage to a third party insured & property damage
• Damage from falling obiects
• Excess Protection

Deinon Motor Insurance

Important Add-ons

  • Rent A Car
  • Towing Charges
  • Off Road Cover
  • Tool of Trade Extension (for Commercial Vehicles)
  • Personal Valuables inside the Vehicle

Perils Covered

Motor professionals at Deinon can help you achieve twin objective of best cover and optimum price for your motor vehicles with your special preferences - be it a new car insurance or renewal.

Important 'Add-On's-Rent A Car, Off Road Cover, AAA Assistance etc. are also arranged from top-rated Insurers.

Please see below as to what unique covers we can get for you from many top-rated Insurers in the country at most competitive cost!

We all want to see cheap motor insurance rates, but don't forget appropriate coverage and service are also important. Let Hur dedicated team guide you to select the best coverage suited to your specific needs whether you are insuring your new car or renewing your existing policy.

We can assist in getting the best deals for...
• Motor Comprehensive - Private & Commercial
• Motor Third Party Insurance - Private & Commercial
Comprehensive car insurance policy offers overall protection against damages to both parties involved in an accident. This policy is extensive, and it covers damages to car, theft, legal liability to third-party, property damage fire, and personal accident cover.

This coverage is highly popular since it offers end-to-end coverage and hence ensures less stress for you as the policyholder.

Cover can be extended to include:
• Protection Removal & Delivery Cost: the reasonable cost to the nearest repairers, it has to be mutually agreed by Insurer surveyor and client on the case-to-case basis.
• Ambulance expenses
• Personal Accident Benefit AED 200,000/= to driver/insured and passenger excluded from
the basic coverage as per seating capacity of the vehicle.
• Geographical Area: UAE and Oman
• Laws/Jurisdiction: Subject to UAE Laws & Jurisdiction Only.
• Addition of new vehicle within motor fleet on pro-rata basis.
• Rent A Car Benefit
• Authorized Repair Limit
• Off Road Extension
• Waiver of Deductible for Windscreen Breakage Claims
• Tool of Trade Extension for Commercial Vehicles

Third-party car insurance offers cover against any legal liability to a third party caused when you are at fault. It covers any damage or iniury caused by the insured. to another person or property. This insurance policy does cover the owner in case of any legal liability owing to death or injury to any individual or damage to any property caused by the insured vehicle and also it is a legal requirement.

The above is a brief information of the covers available under the Policy. Please request a copy of the Insurer’s Terms & Conditions of the policy which shall be binding and considered as the final basis for the settlement of any dispute.

For more information. please write to marine-motor@deinon.ae


Dubai World Trade Center, Level 7, P.O. Box 9762, Dubai, UAE.


+971 42330900



    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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