Travel Insurance

Travel insurance that fits your need. Have complete control over your trip with the exclusive power to customize.

Travel Insurance
Deinon Travel Insurance

Travel insurance plans cover medical emergencies, trip cancellation, trip interruption, delays, medical evacuation, and lost/damaged/stolen luggage. Travel Insurance products are designed to meet all your travel needs.

Loss of Personal Baggage, Personal Money & Passport

During your trip, your personal belongings will be covered for the accidental damage or theft.

Baggage Delay

For 4 hours or more from the time of your arrival at your destination. You will be covered for emergency purchase of essential items limited to clothing, toiletries and medication.

Delayed Departure

If your flight is delayed for 6 hours or more from scheduled time of departure due to unexpected events such as strikes, adverse weather conditions, mechanical breakdown or technical fault.

Emergency Medical Expenses & Transportation

Arising from accidental bodily injury or sickness during your trip. We will also arrange for transportation to a better-equipped hospital in your country of residence or somewhere closer.

• Travel Inbound – offers you mandatory medical cover during your stay.

The above is a brief information of the covers available under the Policy. Please request a copy of the Insurer’s Terms & Conditions of the policy which shall be binding and considered as the final basis for the settlement of any dispute.

For more information. please write to


Dubai World Trade Center, Level 7, P.O. Box 9762, Dubai, UAE.


+971 42330900


    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)