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Deinon Legacy Claim

Legacy Claims and How They Matter

Legacy claims refer to those claims, other liabilities or actions which might be known or unknown and which might arise on or before the separation date. Analysing and understanding these legacy claims is imperative for a proper risk management policy of a company. These might arise due to various reasons relating to: Injuries or illness […]
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Deinon Underwriter Blog

Underwriter Considerations Under Escalation Clause

What Will Be the Underwriter Considerations Under Escalation Clause Underwriting is a crucial method that is used by insurers to analyse and assess the risk of insuring an individual’s health, life, property, car, business, etc. among other things. This process helps an insurance company determine the risk factors that could heighten its chances of having […]
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Deinon Cash Flow Blog

Measurement of Future Cash Flows Under IFRS 17

Everything You Need To Know About the Measurement of Future Cash Flows under IFRS 17 Under IFRS 17, the new standard which provides a set of risk management and overall principles accounting of insurance contracts, the base model is the General Measurement Model, also known as GMM in short. GMM is often called BBA or […]
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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(10am - 05 pm)