Political Violence Insurance

Political Violence Insurance is dynamic in nature. Let us assist you navigate the risk transfer in the most optimum way.

Political Violence Why Deinon?
Deinon Political Violence

Political Violence is the among the most dynamic classes of Insurances. Coverage is directly linked to the current affairs and events that are anticipated.

As a broker our role is to guide the Insured with the coverage that should be purchased in light of what the Cover that is available under the Fire/Property policy and that should be availed under the Political Violence policy.

Also a full Political Violence Cover may not be appropriate and Perils chosen to be covered with limits vis-à-vis exposure is key to optimize cover with the budget for this Catastrophic class of Business

The Political Violence market has matured rapidly over the last 30 ears with increased products and capacity available covering a variety of risks, which are constantly evolving.

Coverage also evolves in light of threats perceived.

Deinon Political Violence

We have expertise on risk and structure solutions, on developing solutions to meet clients’ needs and on devising an innovative marketing approach to placing political violence cover.

Perils Covered

• Terrorism
• Sabotage
• Terrorism
• Sabotage
• Strike/ Riot/ Civil Commotion
• Malicious Damage
• Insurrection/ Revolution/ Rebellion
• Mutiny/ Coup d'Etat
• War/ Civil War
• Loss of Earnings/ Extra Expense
• Contingent Business Interruption
• Denial of Access
• Illegal Occupation
• Terrorism Liability
• Cvber write-back
• Threat
• Loss of Attraction
• Active Shooter, Malicious Assailant

The above is a brief information of the covers available under the Policy. Please request a copy of the Insurer’s Terms & Conditions of the policy which shall be binding and considered as the final basis for the settlement of any dispute.

For more information. please write to infra-energy@deinon.ae


Dubai World Trade Center, Level 7, P.O. Box 9762, Dubai, UAE.


+971 42330900



    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)