Comprehensive Liability Insurance Solutions.

Your onus of care under law being mitigated by us through insurance that matches your responsibilities.

Understanding Liability Insurance Third Party Liability / CGL Insurance
Deinon Liability Insurance

What is Liability Insurance?

Business Owners are often exposed to legal liability arising on them due to loss or damage caused to third-party property damage or personal injury. Liability Insurance protects the financial interest of Companies and business owners when they face formal lawsuits or any third-party claims. Such policies cover direct financial liabilities incurred, as well as any legal defense expenses. There are many liability Insurances available to business entrepreneurs depending on the type and nature of business they are involved with. Deinon’s Technical Team has the wherewithal to design and arrange appropriate cover with top-rated Insurers around the World to secure legal liability exposures of your business globally, We, at Deinon, allow companies and business owners to concentrate on their core business activity while taking responsibility for their entire insurance coverage and ensure placement at most economical cost / provide proactive claims service.

Third-Party Liability / Comprehensive General Liability Insurance

Third Party Liability or Public Liability Insurance (or Comprehensive General Liability Insurance (CGL) as it is more widely called) provides protection against:
• Negligence that caused a third-party person/s to incur an injury or illness.
• Can be “Premises-Specific” or extended to include “Work Away” risks.
• Individuals or Businesses can opt for this to protect against unforeseen risk exposures.
We can customize GL based on the requirement of clients and this can have a geographically unrestricted scope, i.e. the area of cover & jurisdiction can be Worldwide. Extensions can be included to cover.
• Legal liability arising out of lifts, escalators, etc.
• Accidental and Sudden Pollution Clause – Inbuilt into the policy wording Subject to applicable conditions.
• Defective sanitary arrangement, water pollution, chemicals effluent fumes or other noxious gas, liquid or substance due to sudden and unforeseen incident – Inbuilt into the policy wording.
• Fire, Explosion and Implosion extension
• Food & Drink Extension (to take care of food-poisoning liability).
• Neighbourhood Liability

Perils Covered

Known as Errors & Omissions (E&0), is a form of insurance which helps protect professional advice & service-providing individuals & companies from bearing the full cost of defending against a claim for professional negligence made by a client, and damages awarded in such a civil lawsuit. We can arrange PI Insurance for various lines of business activities like Architects and Consulting Engineers, Marine Surveyors, Software Consultants, Insurance Brokers, etc.

Extensions included
• Costs Inclusive Clause
• Retroactive Date Clause
• Dishonesty of Employees
• Libel and Slander
Workmen Compensation Insurance covers employees of a Company as per Labor Law of respective Country to include accidental death or bodily Injury sustained during the working hours or outside of it (provided such extension is available). W.O. is normally extended to include Employers' Liability to cover the legal liability of the Employees.

Employers' Liability Insurance protects you against suits brought against you by employees for injuries due to accidents or occupational diseases that arise from their employment by you.

The main difference between workers comp and employer's liability is that workers compensation applies to statutory benefits the named insured must pay while Employers' Liability applies to common or tort law or other damages for which the named insured is liable.
Medical Malpractice Insurance is a type of Errors & Omissions (E&0) coverage.

It protects physicians and other healthcare professionals against claims alleging their negligent acts caused injury to patients.

Medical malpractice insurance is essential for nurses, dentists, opticians, physical therapists, or anyone else who provides healthcare services.

It is also called medical professional liability insurance.
Directors & Officers Liability Insurance (often called D&O) is a Liability Insurance which provides indemnification for losses or advancement of defense costs in the event an Insured suffers such a loss owing to legal action brought for alleged wrongful acts in their capacity as Directors & Officers.

• We combine service excellence with technical skill and broking ability to deliver a casualty insurance program which can help you to mitigate the risks that your business faces every day.
• We help in structuring solutions to help safeguard your company and your employees, enabling you to focus on your business.
• We aim to provide optimum coverage and pro-active claims response, premium efficiency and try to reduce the total cost of risk- all while providing quality service and advice.
• Do gap analysis in the existing insurance program and advise on risks exposures not taken care of.
• Assist in designing the policy / structure solutions to ensure maximum protection in a cost-effective manner.
• Ensure placement is done with a good security as liability claims can be long tailed.
• Manage all aspects of insurance transactions.
This cover provides protection against bodily injury and property damage losses arising out of defect in the product you sold, manufactured or distributed.

Largely opted by most businesses, this cover is a mandatory requirement to participate in any major supply tender from International Hotel Chains and also Regulators of Public Distribution System.

Cover can be extended to include :
Hold Harmless Agreement in respect of Principals & Nominated Entities
Vendors' Endorsement.

Product Recall Program is normally arranged as a dedicated cover and not clubbed with Product Liability Insurance.
Pollution Liability Insurance provides coverage for claims associated with clean-up costs as well as covering injury to third parties, such as neighbors harmed by release of toxic substances.

Site Pollution Liability Insurance, also known as Premises Pollution, Environmental Impairment Liability (EIL) and Pollution Legal Liability (PIL) is designed to cover claims arising from Pollution releases at, on, or emanating from a specific scheduled location.
What happens if special event you have spent time, money and planning needs to be cancelled off or a vendor does not show up?
We can offer Event Insurance which can cover the costs you incur as a result of cancelled event or damaged venue.

Event Cancellation Coverage: This protection helps to pay for costs which you may incur if certain situations force you to postpone or cancel an event.

Event Liability coverage: This protection may help you cover expenses for which you are found responsible such as damage to venue or someone's injury during your event.

The above is a brief information of the covers available under the Policy. Please request a copy of the Insurer’s Terms & Conditions of the policy which shall be binding and considered as the final basis for the settlement of any dispute.

For more information. please write to


Dubai World Trade Center, Level 7, P.O. Box 9762, Dubai, UAE.


+971 42330900


    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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