Engineer Your Protection: Customized Insurance Solutions for Engineering Risks

Building a facility – we know the risk associated and plan your Insurances to optimize cover for every phase till it being commissioned and operational.

Engineering Coverage Why Deinon?
Deinon Engineering Insurance

Coverage Highlights

  • Analysis of the nature of project and identifying major risks associated with it.
  • Designing a risk management program based on client’s requirement
  • Partnering with best-rated Securities for Engineering Insurance Placements
  • Assist in & ensure prompt claim settlement
Deinon Engineering Insurance

Deinon’s Engineering Team provides a wide range of Risk Management and Advisory Services for all your needs in the field of Construction & Infrastructure (C&l). The Team has extensive experience in a wide range of projects from residential / commercial builds to complex civil engineering, mechanical & electrical projects including power and petrochemical.

Engineering Insurance protects from risks associated with the construction, installation or malfunction of property or machinery and providing any company or stakeholders engaged in engineering and construction peace of mind.

Perils Covered

Contractor's All Risks (CAR) Policy is frequently taken out in commercial centres that see a significant volume of construction. This insurance policy protects the contractor or employer (principal) against all damage to materials and work for the duration of the contract besides protecting them from exposures towards liability to third parties. This Policy can be extended to include Sub Contractors, Consultants, Project Managers, etc. for their respective rights and interests. In Mega projects, it is a market practice to go in for Principal-Driven CAR or EAR program to ensure availability of seamless cover to all stakeholders. CAR policies are more suited to infrastructural and construction projects where the civil engineering portion predominates the erection & commissioning.
Erection All Risks (EAR) policy covers the risks involved in the erection and installation of machinery or equipment rather than their construction. This insurance policy may also provide cover to the contractor against possible liabilities towards third parties. EAR policies are typically preferred in turn-key contracts involving major erection, testing and commissioning of established or prototype equipment or machinery. Insurers offer testing and commissioning periods ranging from 1 month to 6 months maximum and they insist on a higher deductible during this period as the likelihood of claims occurring are comparatively more during testing & commissioning.
Machinery Breakdown (MBD) policy covers unforeseen and sudden breakdown or accidental damage to plant and machinery due to miscellaneous causes which are not specifically excluded under the policy. Factory Owners having crucial process Machinery and Equipment can also go in for Machinery-Loss of Profits as breakdown of such Machinery can result in stoppage of production, thus having impact of operational efficiency and loss of gross profit.
Boiler or Pressure Vessel Explosion Insurance (BPV)
policy covers the explosion of a boiler or pressure plant during ordinary working. It includes damage to third-party property and the death or injury of third parties. Exposure to Principal's Existing/ Surrounding Property can also covered as an extension.
Contractor's Plant and Machinery (CPM) policy covers unforeseen and sudden physical loss or damage to Contractor's Plant and Machinery, necessitating their repairs or replacement which can be availed either on an annual basis or "contract-site" specific. This policy can be extended to include transit of Insured Plants from one site to another either on their own power or whilst carried on top of a low-bed trailer. Similarly, cover can be extended to include third party liability exposures caused due to operation of the Plant at site. If the Plant has a Registered Number Plate to facilitate movement on road, same will have to be insured as per the Motor Vehicle Insurance Act of the respective Country.
Advance Loss of Profits /Delay in Startup Insurance
(ALOP-DSU) provides coverage for financial losses due to delays in construction and infrastructure projects.
In huge Hypermarkets and Food Storage Units, this cover will be most important to have as breakdown of refrigerating machinery will render the foodstuff unfit for human consumption and the municipal authorities would normally ensure immediate destruction of such products.
Insurers, with a view to control frequency of claims, insist on time excess on such policies which range from 6 hours to 24 hours based on the nature of commodity and storage.
Electronic Equipment Insurance (EEI) is designed to provide cover for sudden and unforeseen physical loss or damage from any cause except those specifically excluded under policy terms. The cover is available for all types of electronic equipment including computers, medical equipment, media equipment, household electronics. The policy covers insured items at work or at home, or whilst being dismantled for the purpose of cleaning, overhauling or being shifted within the premises, or in the course of aforesaid operations or during subsequent erection after commissioning.
Under different Sections, cover is provided for External Data Media, Increased Cost of Working (additional expenditure incurred for the use of substitute equipment) and reconstruction of data. Cover can also be extended.

The above is a brief information of the covers available under the Policy. Please request a copy of the Insurer’s Terms & Conditions of the policy which shall be binding and considered as the final basis for the settlement of any dispute.

For more information. please write to


Dubai World Trade Center, Level 7, P.O. Box 9762, Dubai, UAE.


+971 42330900


    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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